Hola a todos!
Gracias por asistir a tu clase de español. Espero que te gusta la clase y que aprendes mucho. 😊
Note in bold underlined the attached files and in blue underlined the website links to practice online. Documents such as PDF have a (Download) button.
Aquí tenéis los apuntes de tu última clase el día 1 de junio de 2023 (clase 6 de 8):
- Chat – con el vocabulario de vuestra conversación en clase:
- Screenshots: estos son imágenes relacionadas con las actividades de clase:
- GRABACIÓN DE LA CLASE (CLASS RECORDING): en este link podéis ver la clase si quieres repasar algo o si no puedes venir: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/GMSWXIhpPsWCYgkgopOXU0-zktN6COv3aKpC5KD-2bTm1qfgmqbaK_CJciyDw5Rg.BBBwOQA7MbMisgZM
Puedes practicar las siguientes actividades en casa:
- VIDEO – DE COMPRAS EN BARCELONA: this is the video “¿CUÁL PREFIERES?” that we watched in class where three group of people go shopping for different things. Below is a worksheet that you can complete after watching it.
- PRACTICA MAS – ZAPATOS Y ROPA: can you guess what these people are wearing from looking at their shoes: ropa, color, accesorios, etc. Write it down in your notebook and next week you´ll check if you´re correct!
- CLASIFICA EXPRESIONES – CLIENTA O DEPENDIENTA: we did this online game in class, where you have to classify the expressions according to who says them: CLIENTE (customer) o DEPENDIENTA (shop asssitant):
- DOS CONVERSACIONES EN LA TIENDA: this is the online activity we did where you had to order 2 different conversations in shops:
- COMPRAS Y CANTIDADES: if you´d like to learn more about quantities and shopping, here is another activity to match the product with its container:
- EJERCICIOS DEL LIBRO: if you´d like to practice what you learned in class, we recommend doing the following exercises from your course book. We can correct them next week in class:
- EJERCICIOS 18, 19 – página 166
- EJERCICIO 24 – página 168
En la próxima clase vamos a terminar el tema de las compras. We will do revision with the activity 10. QUE ROPA PREFIERES de la pagina 66. También vamos a ver el video de la pagina 69.
COURSE BOOK: Aula internacional Plus 1 – where to find it:
- Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/5LMhjG0
- Dublin Bookshop: https://www.internationalbooks.ie/product/aula-internacional-plus-1-students-book/
MP3 AUDIO FILES – BOOK AULA 1 plus : use the following link to download the audios from your course book: https://difusion.com/tienda/aula-internacional-plus#recursos – choosing Aula Internacional 1 Plus
Eso es todo de momento, amigos. Nos vemos la semana que viene en el mismo link:
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85945470943
Pasa una buena semana! 😊