Hola a todos!
Gracias por venir a la clase de español. Espero que te gusta la clase y que aprendes mucho. 😊
Thanks for coming to your online Spanish class last week. I hope you liked it and learned loads!
Note in bold underlined the attached files and in blue underlined the website links to practice online. Documents such as PDF have a (Download) button.
Here you are the notes from your last online Spanish class on 16 de noviembre (class #9 of 10):
- Chat – with some of the vocabulary from the chat box on file: Chat Beginners 1.txt
- Screenshots: these are images related to the activities you did in class:
- GRABACIÓN DE LA CLASE (CLASS RECORDING): in this link you can watch the last class if you´d like to review it or in case you missed it (remember to enter the passcode provided): https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/g94knursCXy2twpZ6BfxAO-x4LkZg4i-62KPuL8nrqZPg22KgjaUCca_NwUJxwOE.Y9AVgP8iefVUb5JZ
These are some activities to practice at your own pace at home:
- ONLINE GAME “DIRECCIONES”: in this online activity, you can review the vocabulary for the DIRECTIONS and learn a few new ones! – Just drag &drop each instruction to match with the picture: https://view.genial.ly/5ed7bfdbfa75bb0d9d179bc6/interactive-content-direcciones-lolo – the solution is on slide 2 (click on right arrow)
- VIDEO & ACTIVITY: “EL BARRIO DE LOLO”: this is the activity we did in class with the video. Watch the video and do the 2 activities below (you can activate the subtitles clicking on the icon):
- Write the order in which you hear the directions in the circles
- True or False : mark the expressions on right as Verdadero (True) or Falso (Falso)
- QUIZ – LUGARES – PLACES: for the curious and brave, here is an online QUIZ with the name of places and service you may need in a city: https://view.genial.ly/607862ae8d90130d860b64bb/interactive-content-quiz-la-ciudad
- EJERCICIOS DEL LIBRO: if you want to learn more, you can do the following exercises from your course book AULA INTERNACIONAL 1 PLUS:
- Ejercicio 10 – pagina 193 – match the places with the activities you can do in them
Next class will be the last of this 10 week Spanish online course. I can´t believe how quick it goes!
We will do a revision of the whole course with games, quizzes and conversation!
We will also learn how verbs work in Spanish. If you have the time, have a look at the ACTIVITY 6. ¿HABLAS INGLES? on page 33 in your course book. Try to undrstand the conversation and fill in the blanks in the yellow table with all the verb forms.
If you are familiar with the verbs already, here is a quick game to match pairs: verb+person -> conjugated verb: https://app.nearpod.com/presentation?pin=46SAF
BOOK AUDIO FILES: to download the audio files from your course book, please click on this link: https://difusion.com/material-descargable/audios_aula_int_plus_1.zip
That´s all for now, amigos. We´ll see each other in class on the same link
Zoom link – Beginners THURSDAYS 6.30 pm : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85615104800
Hasta pronto! 😊