Hola a todos!
Thanks for coming to class this week! I hope you enjoyed it and you learned lots! 😊
Here you have the notes from your last online Spanish class on 23 January 2025 (class #1 of 10):
- Chat – this the vocabulary typed in your chat box in class:
- Screenshots: these are images related to the activities you did in class:
- CLASS RECORDING IN ZOOM (GRABACION DE LA CLASE):Â Â in this link you can watch the class recording in case you missed it or want to do some revision: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/h2Q6ktmyMWky0OA_hBGv1JPnC05iASIiffDzQ2OwxaIIDiwIdu-2iSoaDj_jI1p8.4EUdezs6IoW8Z_Rb
These are some activities to practice and do some revision at home:
- PALABRAS EN ESPAÑOL: this is the world cloud with words you recognise in Spanish:

- DATOS PERSONALES: this is the presentation you used in class to practice questions and answers for Personal Details. You can introduce yourself in PADLET, writing a short text about yourself using the sample on the slides: (click on > arrows to go back and forward or refresh page): https://view.genially.com/5f6cb68fbe23070d182dd3f0
- APRENDE MAS – AFICIONES: if you´d like to learn more hobbies in Spanish, use this online activity to match the pics and thehobbies by DRAG & DROP. If it´s correct, it´ll disappear. If it´s wrong, click on the tape to undo the match: https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pt0y4qg4c24
- BINGO – NOS CONOCEMOS MEJOR: you practised the conversation in pairs in class with these cards to get to know your classmates better. As home practice, you can write short answers about yourself in your PADLET. https://view.genially.com/67927272d40a4bbe15238d1a
- 2 VERDADES Y 1 MENTIRA: these are the 2 truths and 1 lie that we used in class to talk about ourselves, and the other had to guess which one is a lie.

- VIDEO – CONOCEMOS A 3 CHICAS: in this video you met 3 girls who tell you about themselves, where they live, their hobbies, their jobs, etc. To practice at home, you can write and short text about yourseld in PADLET and share it with the class in your PADLET:
- PADLET – LEARNING JOURNAL: this is an online learning journal where you can post short notes with your progress each week- I´ll leave a sample so you can do yours: https://padlet.com/lolypower/cosas-sobre-nosotros-jcob5rm08zxx4db0
Next class we will review the conjugations of the verbs in the present. You can have a look at the activity 8. QUIERO QUIERES QUIERE in your course book on page 34.
- EJERCICIOS DEL LIBRO: if you want to practise the verbs in the PRESENT tense before next class, you can do the following exercises from your course book:
- EJERCICIO 14, 15 – page 151
- EJERCICIO 17, 18, 19 – page 152

We will also practice some conversation in small groups using this conversation board: https://view.genially.com/67927b0ed9c3175dcc320be9
In this course we will use the book AULA INTERNACIONAL PLUS 1 – which you can purchase on these shops:
- DUBLIN BOOKSHOP: https://www.internationalbooks.ie/product/aula-internacional-plus-1-students-book/
- AMAZON: https://amzn.eu/d/6WZolao
BOOK AUDIO FILES: to download the audio files from your course book, please click on this link: https://difusion.com/material-descargable/audios_aula_int_plus_1.zip
That´s all for now, amigos. We´ll see each other in class on the same link
Zoom link UPPER BEGINNERS- THURSDAY 6.30 PM – https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82074053140
Hasta pronto! 😊