Hola a todos!
Gracias por asistir a tu clase de español. Espero que te gusta la clase y que aprendes mucho. 😊
Note in bold underlined the attached files and in blue underlined the website links to practice online. Documents such as PDF have a (Download) button.
Aquí tenéis los apuntes de tu última clase el día 19 de febrero de 2024 (clase 6 de 10):
- Chat – con el vocabulario de vuestra conversación en clase:
- Screenshots: estos son imágenes relacionadas con las actividades de clase:
- GRABACIÓN DE LA CLASE (CLASS RECORDING): en este link podéis ver la clase si quieres repasar algo o si no puedes venir: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/D730r-12UfQur66CsvwtV4zjyh-t6bM_A8ytUc41m3owLWhY-R9LabXIS9njCDJ0.jBXoK6KZK0JD1tME
Puedes practicar las siguientes actividades en casa:
- QUIZ – SER ESTAR HAY: this is the QUIZ we played in class to review how to use the verbs: SER, ESTAR & HAY in Spanish. You can play it again. If you still have any questions after last class, we will explain them in next class:
- EJERCICIO DEL LIBRO: it you want to practice more this topic, I recommend doing the following exercises from your course book:
- EJERCICIOS 4, 5 & 6 – pagina 155
- EJERCICIO 7 – pagina 156
- EJERCICIO 11 – paginas 157, 158
- JUEGO NEARPOD – VOCABULARIO: if you´d like to learn more vocabulary to talk about places in nature to describe countries or cities, here´s a game to match pairs: https://app.nearpod.com/presentation?pin=D3V76
- KAHOOT – CULTURA DE LATINOAMERICA: to learn more about Latinoamerica, you can play this game where you can learn about their moneda, lengua, lugares turisticos, capitales, etc: https://kahoot.it/challenge/05613207?challenge-id=58ae141d-427e-48a0-ba89-ac5cd1f590cb_1709026416883
- VIDEO – VENEZUELA: here you can watch again the video we did in class about Venezuela: climate, interesting places to visit, products, etc. Write down on your notebook what you understand:
- PADLET – MI PAIS O MI CIUDAD: if you´d like to practice what you learned in class, you can write a short text talking about the city or the country that you are from, using the sample in the picture below, using the verbs: SER, ESTAR & HAY – your PADLET: https://padlet.com/lazarololo/practico-espa-ol-8jftcf0yxergiozh
En la próxima clase vamos a practicar la conversación variada con un juego de conjugar, corregir y traducir.
We will also have a look at UNIDAD 8 – actividad 3. CIUDADES PREFERIDAS on page 115 on your course book.
COURSE BOOK: Aula internacional Plus 1 – where to find it:
- Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/5LMhjG0
- Dublin Bookshop: https://www.internationalbooks.ie/product/aula-internacional-plus-1-students-book/
MP3 AUDIO FILES – BOOK AULA 1 plus : use the following link to download the audios from your course book: https://difusion.com/tienda/aula-internacional-plus#recursos – choosing Aula Internacional 1 Plus
Eso es todo de momento, amigos. Nos vemos la semana que viene en el mismo link:
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84071389361 – MONDAYS 6.30 PM – UPPER BEGINNERS
Pasa una buena semana! 😊