Hola a todos!
Gracias por asistir a tu clase de español. Espero que te gusta la clase y que aprendes mucho. 😊
Note in bold underlined the attached files and in blue underlined the website links to practice online. Documents such as PDF have a (Download) button.
Aquí tenéis los apuntes de tu última clase el día 22 de enero de 2024 (clase 2 de 10):
- Chat – con el vocabulario de vuestra conversación en clase:
- Screenshots: estos son imágenes relacionadas con las actividades de clase:
- GRABACIÓN DE LA CLASE (CLASS RECORDING): en este link podéis ver la clase si quieres repasar algo o si no puedes venir: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/vN5Ccq_YFZ_9TdRJgdjBLlYCwB2I3geLnspqdDWr1szyLb2hWPZxHTv-geVATB8.a_slR6KDhgGxSbYv
Puedes practicar las siguientes actividades en casa:
- MORE PRACTICE – ACTIVIDADES: this is a game to learn more activities and hobbies you probably do during the week, match the pairs by drag&drop the picture with the activity: https://learningapps.org/view20021496
- VIDEO – UN DIA NORMAL DE GUILLERMO: here you can watch again the video we did in class, where Guillermo shows us a regular day for him and what he does. You can write down the things he does and when (moment = por la mañana) or (time=a las cuatro menos diez – 15.50h) – Below is a worksheet to help you with the activities he does:
- MORE PRACTICE- LAS HORAS: just to make sure everyone knows how to tell the time in Spanish, here is a series of clocks. Use the examples on page 88, activity 4. QUE HORA ES in your course book. Write down in your notebook the times in Spanish following the formula:
- 17:35 – son las seis menos veinticinco de la tarde
- PADLET – 3 PREGUNTAS: if you´d like to practice what you learned in class, you can write a short text on your PADLET (use this link) https://padlet.com/lazarololo/practico-espa-ol-8jftcf0yxergiozh – answering 3 of these questions we used in class:
- En la próxima clase vamos a aprender un tipo de verbos especiales que se llaman REFLEXIVOS: por ejemplo: LEVANTARSE, VESTIRSE, DUCHARSE, etc. If you have time, please have a look at the activity 2. TE LEVANTAS DE BUEN HUMOR on page 86 your course book AULA INTERNACIONAL PLUS 1:
- Read the questionnaire with 10 questions and choose the answer that describes your the best from the 3 options.
COURSE BOOK: Aula internacional Plus 1 – where to find it:
- Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/5LMhjG0
- Dublin Bookshop: https://www.internationalbooks.ie/product/aula-internacional-plus-1-students-book/
MP3 AUDIO FILES – BOOK AULA 1 plus : use the following link to download the audios from your course book: https://difusion.com/tienda/aula-internacional-plus#recursos – choosing Aula Internacional 1 Plus
Eso es todo de momento, amigos. Nos vemos la semana que viene en el mismo link:
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84071389361 – MONDAYS 6.30 PM – UPPER BEGINNERS
Pasa una buena semana! 😊