Hola a todos!
Thanks for coming to class this week! I hope you enjoyed it and you learned lots! 😊
Here you have the notes from your last online Spanish class on 21 noviembre 2024 (class #8 of 10):
- Chat – this the vocabulary typed in your chat box in class:
- Screenshots: these are images related to the activities you did in class:
- CLASS RECORDING IN ZOOM (GRABACION DE LA CLASE):Â Â in this link you can watch the class recording in case you missed it or want to do some revision: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/_169Zz_uA_fdsNk6rN1HHiv-hmY-DjNDSQB-deq6049MD3fax78j3aXKkCky8WKx.KpOzFgl5-4xcwHUj
These are some activities to practice and do some revision at home:
- PLATOS ESPAÑOLES- on this online activity https://view.genial.ly/60c093a50254a30d66d770ed  you have to match the dishes with its pictures.
- Drag and drop the name of the dishes to its picture, if there all correct, you´ll get a message on screen
- Classify in three groups: 1 – Primero, 2 – Segundo & P – Postre
- ORDER THE CONVERSATION: this is the conversation we ordered in class, by dragging the bubbles- To check if it´s correct, click the blue button: https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pnysfbg0c21
-  ¿CLIENTE O CAMARERO? – in this online activity choose who says each sentence clicking to the TAB first for CAMARERO or CLIENTE, and then on the expression. If it´s correct, the text will disappear.
- AUDIOS – LA CUENTA, POR FAVOR: here you are the 2 audios for the activity on page 102 that we did in class, with 2 conversations: in a bar and in a restaurant:
- VIDEO – LA CENA: this is the video we played in class: “LA CENA” (THE DINNER), where a couple goes out for dinner and meet the “raro” camarero. After watching it, you can do the activities form the worksheet below and also:
- Take note of the expressions you understand
- Write down the words you can´t understand and we can comment them in class next week
- EJERCICIOS DEL LIBRO: if you´d like to practice more wht you´ve learned in class, I recommend doing the following exercises from your book:
- EJERCICIOS 6, 7, pagina 184
- EJERCICIO 10, pagina 185
- KAHOOT – EN EL RESTAURANTE: here you can play again the Kahoot we did in class to review the expressions used in a restaurant: https://kahoot.it/challenge/08588889?challenge-id=58ae141d-427e-48a0-ba89-ac5cd1f590cb_1732289143304
- MAS RESTAURANTE: in this conversation, complete the blanks using the correct option for the drop down menu:
- ¿PRIMERO, SEGUNDO, POSTRE O TAPA?: in this activity you have the choose for each dish if it´s usually served as a starter, main course, dessert or a tapa. Choose the option and click on the blue button to correct and continue:
- PRACTICA EN CASA: you can write in your PADLET a conversation where 2 clients order drinks and tapas at a bar, including greeting, asking personal information, ordering drinks & tapas, asking for the bills and paying. Use this menu to order the food. Use the expressions to make special requests and ask what type it is and to know the ingredients:
- PADLET – LEARNING JOURNAL: this is an online learning journal where you can post short notes with your progress each week- I´ll leave a sample so you can do yours: https://padlet.com/lolypower/cosas-sobre-nosotros-jcob5rm08zxx4db0
Next class we will learn about how the verbs work in Spanish and also a little bits about PLACES and DIRECTIONS in the city. If you have the time, have a look at the activity 6. ¿HABLAS INGLES? on page 33 your course book.
If you have the time, please do this activity:
Below you can download a copy of Unit 1 from your Spanish course book, which you can use until you buy it.
In this course we will use the book AULA INTERNACIONAL PLUS 1 – which you can purchase on these shops:
- DUBLIN BOOKSHOP: https://www.internationalbooks.ie/product/aula-internacional-plus-1-students-book/
- AMAZON: https://amzn.eu/d/6WZolao
BOOK AUDIO FILES: to download the audio files from your course book, please click on this link: https://difusion.com/material-descargable/audios_aula_int_plus_1.zip
That´s all for now, amigos. We´ll see each other in class on the same link
Zoom link BEGINNERS 1- THURSDAY 6.30 PM – https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81660202478
Hasta pronto! 😊